Program for Octal to Decimal Conversion
Given an octal number as input, we need to write a program to convert the given octal number into equivalent decimal number....
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8259 PIC Microcontroller
Intel 8259 is a Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC). There are 5 hardware interrupts and 2 hardware interrupts in Intel 8085 and Intel 8086 microprocessors respectively. But by connecting Intel 8259 with these microprocessors, we can increase their interrupt handling capability. Intel 8259 combines the multi-interrupt input sources into a single interrupt output. Interfacing of single PIC provides 8 interrupts inputs from IR0-IR7. For example, Interfacing of 8085 and 8259 increases the interrupt handling capability of 8085 microprocessor from 5 to 8 interrupt levels....
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Bus organization of 8085 microprocessor
Introduction :...
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8085 program to add two 16 bit numbers
Problem: Write an assembly language program to add two 16 bit numbers by using:...
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Count of distinct permutations of every possible length of given string
Given a string S, the task is to count the distinct permutations of every possible length of the given string....
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MongoDB Python | Insert and Update Data
Prerequisites : MongoDB Python Basics We would first understand how to insert a document/entry in a collection of a database. Then we would work on how to update an existing document in MongoDB using pymongo library in python. The update commands helps us to update the query data inserted already in MongoDB database collection....
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Architecture of 8085 microprocessor
Introduction :...
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Difference between Hardware and Cloud
1. Hardware : Hardware’s storage, as name suggest, are storage devices that are used to saving or porting or accessing data and information and allows user to directly interact with computer.  Examples of hardware include desktop computers, laptops, mobile devices, servers, and data center equipment....
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Difference between Register and Buffer
1. Register : Registers are the smallest holding data elements that are built into processor itself. These are memory locations that can be directly accessible by processor. It holds small amount of data around 32-bits to 64-bits and may hold an instruction, a storage address or any kind of data such as a bit sequence or individual characters....
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Difference between Hard drives and Flash drives
1. Hard drives : Hard drive is a non-volatile data storage device which is used to expand the computer’s memory. Generally, it is installed internally in the computer and is directly connected to the disk control of the motherboard of the computer. It consists of one or more platters placed inside an air-seal cover. The data is written on platters using a magnetic head that moves quickly over them as they spin....
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Difference between 3-address instruction and 2-address instructions
Prerequisite – Instruction Formats 1. Three-Address Instructions : Three-address instruction is a format of machine instruction. It has one opcode and three address fields. One address field is used for destination and two address fields for source....
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Computer Organization and Architecture | Pipelining | Set 2 (Dependencies and Data Hazard)
Please see Set 1 for Execution, Stages and Performance (Throughput) and Set 3 for Types of Pipeline and Stalling.   Dependencies in a pipelined processor There are mainly three types of dependencies possible in a pipelined processor. These are : 1) Structural Dependency 2) Control Dependency 3) Data Dependency These dependencies may introduce stalls in the pipeline. Stall : A stall is a cycle in the pipeline without new input.   Structural dependency This dependency arises due to the resource conflict in the pipeline. A resource conflict is a situation when more than one instruction tries to access the same resource in the same cycle. A resource can be a register, memory, or ALU. Example:...
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